UES Homeless Shelter In Yorkville Moves Forward As 'Welcome Center'

UPPER EAST SIDE, NY — The long-awaited East 91st Street homeless shelter is moving forward with a new provider, over a year after the original non-profit ditched the site over a programmatic disconnect. Services For the Underserved, or S:US, will now run the site as a 92-bed “Welcome Center:” a “low-barrier” program focused on immediate need and pre-assessment site aimed […]

San Diego Property Auction A Rare Opportunity For Would-Be Homeowners

SAN DIEGO, CA — Have you dreamed about owning property in San Diego County but were uncertain if you could afford it? San Diego County’s Treasurer-Tax Collector has announced that over 400 homes countywide will be auctioned off by the end of March. The exact number of properties might change due to homeowners paying off their property tax bills before […]

Assault Charges For LI Mom And Son After Officer Hit, Medic Bitten: PD

VALLEY STREAM, NY — A mother and son were charged with assault after one struck an officer and bit a medic on Sunday in Valley Stream, Nassau police said. Officers responded to a Valley Stream home to conduct a welfare check at about 1:30 p.m., and upon arrival, determined Brigitte Atta-Poku, 43, required medical treatment and evaluation, but she became […]

Police Investigate Pro-Palestinian Posters Hung In Fairfield

FAIRFIELD, CT — Fairfield police launched an investigation this week into the hanging of several pro-Palestinian posters at the Unquowa Road railroad bridge. Though some have called the posters antisemitic, the police department is not classifying the incident as a hate crime. Patch has seen pictures of the posters, which carried slogans such as “Palestine will be free,” “Israel lied […]

Greenwich Selectmen OK Increased Outdoor Dining Fees, Earlier End Date

Click:Wicket bag making machine GREENWICH, CT — Outdoor dining in Greenwich this year will cost eateries more money and end sooner, according to the 2024 guidelines approved by the Board of Selectmen earlier this week. The popular initiative that was borne out of the COVID-19 pandemic will begin again on April 1 and run through Nov. 3, instead of later […]

Body Found In Delaware River In 2003 ID'd As Missing NJ Man

BENSALEM, PA — Two decades after a body was found on the banks of the Delaware River, authorities identified the remains as a New Jersey man who had gone missing around that time. Two fishermen discovered the body in a drainage area on a freight property in Bensalem, Pennsylvania, in October 2003. That was the last year that Edward Anthony […]

Mort d’Alexeï Navalny : "On sait que c’est un meurtre, sinon le corps aurait immédiatement été rendu à la famille", affirme un géopoliticien

Click:Active Optical Cable Click:check balance my gift card Le géopoliticien Nicolas Tenzer réagit à la mort d’Alexeï Navalny, dans le 19/20 info du lundi 19 février. “On sait que c’est un meurtre, sinon le corps aurait immédiatement été rendu à la famille et une investigation indépendante aurait été autorisée”, affirme celui qui est enseignant à Sciences Po. L’auteur de Notre […]

Vidéo Avec Flavien, 21 ans, garde forestier en Isère

“Des fois, il y a une mer de nuages, des fois, il y a un coucher de soleil”. Le bureau de Flavien, c’est la forêt. Le jeune homme de 21 ans travaille comme technicien forestier territorial. “C’est le nouveau nom que nous avons donné à garde forestier”. En classe de cinquième, c’est la rencontre avec un garde forestier de l’Office […]

Mort d'Alexeï Navalny : des hommages réprimés en Russie

Avec force, cette femme est tirée sur plusieurs mètres par des policiers russes. Tout autour, les manifestants crient “honte à vous“. Sur une pancarte, on peut lire “Poutine est le tueur de Navalny“. L’homme est à son tour immédiatement interpellé. Une quinzaine de personnes ont été arrêtées dans la matinée du samedi 17 février à Moscou, lors d’un rassemblement à […]