BOLINGBROOK, IL — At its Tuesday meeting, the Bolingbrook Village Board approved an emergency purchase to replace a traffic cabinet and equipment which was damaged during severe storms in July.

The equipment will be purchased from Traffic Control Corporation and H&H Electric Company. The total cost is $74,055.20.

The replacement was made back in July, when the damage occurred.

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According to board documents, the equipment is at 295 Weber Road. Traffic Control Corporation and H&H Electric Company were the only suppliers who were able to provide the equipment quickly “to prevent prolonged major shutdown of a main road.”

The equipment was damaged when a ComEd high tension line made contact with the combination traffic signal pole, according to Board documents.

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“This resulted in 7,200 volts being fed into [the] combo pole and wiring, resulting in a total loss of all equipment inside the traffic cabinet and all signal poles throughout the intersection,” Board documents state.

“A claim has been submitted to ComEd for this unbudgeted expenditure,” Mayor Mary Alexander-Basta said.

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