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LA GRANGE, IL – La Grange Highlands resident Kyle Comstock has fought before for public places to install baby-changing tables in restrooms – and won.
Now, he is taking his effort to La Grange.
At Monday’s Village Board meeting, Comstock said he goes to a park district facility that has no baby-changing tables in either of its restrooms.
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“There is no building code for me to enforce on people to make this change,” Comstock said. “You and other communities have forgotten about those who cannot speak for themselves. My son wears diapers.”
He said it was reasonable to require baby-changing tables at public places such as family-friendly restaurants, medical office buildings and park facilities.
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He said he has obtained more than 100 signatures for a petition calling for a change to building codes.
“I hope you are willing to make the change,” Comstock said.
In response, Village President Mark Kuchler said the village would contact the park district about Comstock’s concern. He did not address the issue of a code change.
Last year, Comstock spoke a few times to the Hinsdale Village Board about the lack of baby-changing stations in a medical office building that included a pediatrician.
In December, Comstock told the board his effort succeeded.
“Mission accomplished,” he said.
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