Just Pick Up Strewn Trash; But, Yes, People Are Slobs [Block Talk]

ACROSS AMERICA — “It won’t kill you to pick up a piece of cardboard in the street,” Philip said when we asked who should pick up trash that has spilled out of a neighbor’s bin for Block Talk, Patch’exclusive reader-sourced neighborhood etiquette column. For the most part, the 325 people who answered the responded to the survey agree with the […]

16th Annual Character Award for Teenagers Nominations Sought By MCA

MCLEAN, VA — Know any teens with exceptional ethical and compassionate character? McLean Citizens Association wants to hear about them. MCA is accepting nominations for the 16th Annual Character Award for Teenagers, which recognizes teens who have, on their own and without compensation, helped others in the Greater Washington D.C. area. “While many awards are given for academic or athletic […]

Mia Sorella 202 Opens On Route 202 In Bridgewater

BRIDGEWATER, NJ — Mia Sorella 202, a new Italian restaurant, has officially opened on the Bridgewater and Branchburg border. Mia Sorella 202 opened on Tuesday, March 26 at 793 Route 202 in Bridgewater between the Milltown Road intersection and the North Branch River. The location was formerly home to a slew of businesses including a COVID-19 testing site during the […]

Sénégal : le nouveau président porteur d'espoir pour la jeunesse sénégalaise

À Dakar (Sénégal), la victoire historique, dès le premier tour de Bassirou Diomaye Faye sonne comme une opportunité pour la jeunesse. “Au niveau de la justice, de l’éducation, de la santé, c’est un changement que nous voulons”, explique Cheikh Lo, tailleur dans le marché de Dakar. Le choix d’une rupture, c’est ainsi que ce candidat élu antisystème se présente. Bassirou […]

Assault Suspect Arrested: Palos Verdes Crime Blotter

PALOS VERDES, CA — The following is the most recent Lomita Sheriff’s Station crime blotter for the Palos Verdes Peninsula. Rancho Palos Verdes ASSAULT Find out what's happening in Palos Verdeswith free, real-time updates from Patch. SHOPLIFTING Find out what's happening in Palos Verdeswith free, real-time updates from Patch. PETTY THEFT BURGLARY GRAND THEFT Click Here: St Kilda Saints Guernsey […]

Groton Housing Authority Proposes Replacing Grasso Gardens Housing

GROTON, CT — Plans call for a Groton senior housing complex to be demolished to make way for new dwelling units. Grasso Gardens is on two lots owned by the Groton Housing Authority. One of the lots was developed in the 1970s as “housing for the elderly,” according to town documents. The other lot was acquired in the 1980s and […]

Japon : à Kyoto, les touristes désormais interdits d'approcher les geishas

Un voyage au Japon ne se conçoit pas sans un passage par Kyoto, l’ex-capitale japonaise, avec ses traditions, ses restaurants et ses geishas. Le charme des ruelles du quartier de Gion prend forme vers 17h, quand il n’est pas rare de voir se faufiler en kimono, coiffée et maquillée une geiko-san ou une maïko-san, que les étrangers appellent “geisha”. À […]

Lake Elsinore Boy's Death Prompts Bill For 'Extreme Heat' Legislation

LAKE ELSINORE, CA —Six months after a 12-year-old Lake Elsinore middle schooler collapsed during PE and died hours later at a nearby hospital, new legislation has been introduced focusing on extreme weather guidelines for all California schools. This month, Riverside County Deputy Coroner Myranda Montez described Yahushua Johnson’s official cause of death as resulting from a “coronary artery anomaly” according […]

Attaque terroriste près de Moscou : Vladimir Poutine évoque l'Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky accuse le président russe de "rejeter la faute" sur son pays

Un nouveau sujet d’opposition entre les deux hommes. Le président russe, Vladimir Poutine, a promis samedi 23 mars de “punir” les responsables de l’attaque qui a fait 133 morts dans la banlieue de Moscou la veille, assurant que les assaillants avaient été arrêtés en chemin vers l’Ukraine et ne mentionnant pas la revendication du groupe jihadiste Etat islamique (EI). Cette […]