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HILLSBOROUGH, NJ — The pressure to excel in academics and sports while achieving a good night’s rest can be a challenge for some Hillsborough High School students who are advocating for change.
Hillsborough High School Sophomore and student-athlete Alex Nurse spoke at the Sept. 23 Board of Education meeting asking for the district to implement “Option 2.” This option would allow student-athletes to have a study hall instead of gym class with proof from a coach.
“I’m a tri-sport athlete in all honors classes,” said Nurse who plays varsity soccer, basketball, club soccer, club across, and more.
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“On top of school, school practice, club practice and homework that’s not a lot of time to be a kid and still get the recommended eight hours of sleep,” said Nurse.
She noted that by playing three sports she already gets more than her fair share of physical activity.
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Nurse noted that New Jersey School Association law mandates students get 150 minutes of health, safety, and physical education each week.
“Having this achieved outside of school I feel my time would be much better spent in a study hall getting a jumpstart on my homework or studying for a test I didn’t get to the night before because I was at a practice,” said Nurse. “I feel a study hall would not only benefit me in terms of better academic performance but also the mental health as it would alleviate some of the stress I experience when I feel I can’t finish all of my homework.”
Samara Nambiar, a sophomore and a varsity dancer, also noted the “serious issue” in trying to balance academics and sports.
“Implementing an option would benefit hundreds of students who put in 10 times more physical activity outside of school,” said Nambiar.
Nambiar asked the Board of Ed to allow student athletes to use the 50 minutes of gym class as a study hall.
“I hope you seriously consider option two at our school to help student athletes thrive and succeed in both sport and most importantly their academics,” said Nambiar.
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Board member Cynthia Nurse noted that she had nothing to do with her daughter Alex’s comments but felt both girls “spoke very well.”
Nurse added that she had previously brought the “Option 2” issue up to the Board and now hopes that the Board will take the time to consider this option.
Some schools in New Jersey — such as Watchung Hills High School, Lenape Regional, Toms River, Cresskill, and others —already have Option 2 implemented.
This past February, Bill A3873 was introduced in the Assembly advocating to allow certain public high school student-athletes to substitute study hall for physical education during their athletic seasons.
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