
MCLEAN, VA — Virginians head to the polls on Tuesday to decide who will be the next president and vice president, as well as who will represent them on Capitol Hill.

In the 8th Congressional District, incumbent U.S. Rep. Donald S. Beyer Jr. (D) is facing three challengers — Republican Jerry W. Torres, along with David R. Kennedy and Bentley F. Hensel, who are running as independents.

The 8th District encompasses all of Arlington County and the cities of Alexandria and Falls Church, as well as portions of Fairfax County east of the I-495/I-95 corridor. The 8th Congressional District is solidly Democratic, according to the 2024 Cook Political Report’s House Race Ratings.

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Fairfax County polls will be open from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Tuesday. Anyone in line at 7 p.m. will still be able to vote.

Check back with Patch after 7 p.m. on Election Day to see the unofficial results.

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In the U.S. Senate race, incumbent Sen. Timothy Kaine (D) is running against Republican Hung Cao.

This year’s ballot includes a referendum to amend the Virginia constitution, as well as transportation and public safety bonds for Fairfax County residents.

Where To Vote: Voting precincts in Virginia are based on the voter’s address. Visit the Virginia Department of Elections website to find out where your precinct is located.

Voter Registration: The deadline for registering to vote in the Nov. 5 general election was Oct. 15. However, same day registration is available after this deadline. Voters can check their registration status, register online, check their voting history and find their local precinct by visiting the Virginia Department of Elections Citizen Portal.

Mail-In Ballot Deadlines: The deadline to request a mail-in ballot was Friday, Oct. 25. Ballots returned by mail must be postmarked by Nov. 5 and received by noon on Nov. 8. Ballots can also be dropped off at the ballot drop box outside the Fairfax County Government Center or in-person at the Office of Elections, or the drop box at your voting precinct by 7 p.m. on Nov. 5.

Absentee/Early Voting: The deadline to request an absentee ballot was Oct. 25. Voters can apply to permanently receive mail-in ballots for every election that they are eligible to vote. Voters can track their mail-in ballot and their ballot status online.

What’s On The Ballot

President And Vice President

U.S. Senate

U.S. House of Representatives (8th District)

* Incumbent

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On The Ballot: Questions

Proposed Constitutional Amendment (Virginia)

Fairfax County Bond Issues

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