CONCORD, NH — Concord fire and rescue teams, in the field at the time, came upon a motorcycle crash on Interstate 93 south near the interchange with Interstate 393 on Wednesday afternoon.
Around 1:45 p.m., a fire commander radioed dispatch and told them they would be off at a crash scene on I-93. Dispatch advised the firefighters they just received the call. The motorcyclist was reportedly on the ground and unconscious near the Exit 15E onramp.
The commander said there was a single crash victim. They requested dispatch activate a trauma alert at Concord Hospital for a head injury. The rider was in his 40s, they said. Dispatch asked if the rider was wearing a helmet. A few minutes later, the commander said it was a half, small-skull helmet.
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New Hampshire State Police closed off the onramp from I-393 east near the intersection with North Main Street and requested NH DOT to head to the scene to assist. They arrived a few minutes later. Firefighters also blocked off part of I-93 south.
The motorcyclist was taken to the hospital, and firefighters cleared the scene and handed it off to state police.
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News 603 posted a video on Facebook.
A state trooper also went to Concord Hospital to follow up with the investigation and check on the rider.
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