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FAIRFAX CITY, VA — While most of the attention this political season has been on the presidential race, Fairfax City residents will not only be voting for candidates running in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives (11th District) races, they will also be casting ballots for mayor, city council and school board candidates.

Anthony Amos, a legislative and community outreach aide for Fairfax County Supervisor Pat Herrity, is running in the Nov. 5 election for one of the six open seats on the Fairfax City Council. He is facing incumbents Billy Bates, Kate Doyle Feingold, and Jeff Greenfield, as well as fellow newcomers Amini Elizabeth Bonane, Taylor Geaghan, Stacy Hall, Stacey Hardy-Chandler, Rachel McQuillen, Tom Peterson and Jack Ryan.

As part of its coverage of the 2024 election, Patch has asked each of the candidates in the Fairfax City Council race to fill out a questionnaire to describe why they think they’re the best person to fill the job they’re running for.

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Early voting for the Nov. 5 election begins on Sept 20. More information about the election is available on Fairfax City’s Voter Registration & Elections page. Non-city voters can visit the Fairfax County Office of Elections or the Virginia Department of Elections for more information.

Your Name

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Anthony Amos

Position sought

City Council

Age (as of Election Day)


Campaign Website

City elections are traditionally non-partisan and candidates must run as independents, according to both the city charter and the Code of Virginia. No party affiliation or “mark” will appear next to any of the candidates’ names on the Nov. 5 ballot. Have you been endorsed by a recognized political party or have you aligned yourself with a group of candidates representing themselves as independent, non-partisan candidates, including candidates running in other city races? Please check the answer that is most appropriate.

Please elaborate on your answer to the previous question and explain how this will affect the way you will serve on the city council

I believe that local elections should diligently work to be balanced and nonpartisan. If elected, my number one priority is providing exceptional constituent service and taking care of our community.

How does your status as described in the two previous questions help Fairfax City voters choose a candidate that aligns with their particular political beliefs?

The people come first, and I will listen to all voices at the table. I can and will work with anyone, even if we disagree on some things.

Names, ages and any pertinent details you wish to share about your family.

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Marena Monterrosa is my partner in all things. She immigrated to the United States from Colombia and received her Master’s in International Relations. She handles health and human services work, so I joke that you would be electing both of us!

Does anyone in your family work in politics or government? This includes any relatives who work in the government you are a candidate in.

My dad and stepmom both serve(d) in the military. My partner (Marena) and I both work for Fairfax County Government, under the Board of Supervisors in the Springfield District office.


Master’s in Public Policy from George Mason University; Certificate in Transnational Organized Crime and Illicit Trade from GMU/UPEACE

Occupation – Please include years of experience.

Legislative & Community Outreach Aide for Fairfax County Board of Supervisors – Springfield District; 3 Years

Previous or Current Elected or Appointed Political Office

City Appointee to the George Mason Advisory Board; State Appointee to the Charitable Gaming Board

Why are you seeking elective office?

I love this community and want to be of service. We live in one of the most unique jurisdictions in the United States and I want to maximize every opportunity and partnership we have. Also, I want to show people how fun government and politics can actually be!

The single most pressing issue facing voters is _______, and this is what I intend to do about it.

Affordability. People are struggling to keep up with home prices and taxes, so I intend on exploring options to address this issue from multiple angles. As one of the only candidates who lives in affordable housing, I feel that I have a unique perspective on this matter. We can establish a HomeSharing program, an affordable housing renovation fund, a workforce housing ordinance, and explore options to decrease costs surrounding permitting.

What are the critical differences between you and the other candidates seeking this post?

I am one of the only candidates that lives in affordable housing, comes from a military background (military child) and a local government background, has prior land use and zoning experience, and has been recognized for volunteering and community service.

If you are a challenger, in what way has the current board or officeholder failed the community (or district or constituency)?

Describe the other issues that define your campaign platform.

Community Building is something universally loved in the city and I want to go further through ideas like a biennial council/community parks tour. Let’s also support affordable environmental initiatives like establishing a carbon rewards program and invasive species removal program.

What accomplishments in your past would you cite as evidence you can handle this job?

My unique business perspective from managing an escape room during the pandemic allowed me to engage different entities like the local chambers and Fort Belvoir to help us recover and thrive.

I led community events like the Fairfax’s Finest program and donation drive, collecting supplies to drop off to city police and fire stations in honor of First Responders Day.

I have presented on subjects like AI applications for rare earths, human trafficking mitigation measures, and local government to multiple organizations and elected officials. This includes the Rotaract Club and the Institute for World Politics.

Awards received:

The best advice ever shared with me was:

“You’ll be at your best when you can understand all sides of an argument.”

What else would you like voters to know about yourself and your positions?

I am open to every conversation, willing to admit when I am wrong or do not know something, and will always take a hands-on approach. When you need me, I will be there.

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