Jouez à notre quiz spécialement consacré aux défilés du cinéma : saurez-vous tous les reconnaître ? Le 9/9 sera difficile à obtenir ! Qui dit 14 juillet dit le traditionnel défilé militaire parisien sur les Champs-Elysées, salué par le Président de la République ! Et comme la fiction rejoint souvent la réalité, nombreux sont les films à nous montrer des […]
Quiz Cinéma spécial 14 juillet ! Dans quel film voit-on ce défilé ?
Promising Data On Gene Cell Therapy For HIV Cure From Rockville Firm
Click:electronic components online ROCKVILLE, MD — American Gene Technologies, a Rockville-based biotech firm, announced on Friday that it was standing up a new company to oversee its HIV treatment project, which recently completed Phase 1 of its clinical trial. “When we did the efficacy part of the Phase 1 trial, we got really encouraging data that makes us believe that […]
Dad, Daughter Get A Close-Up Moment With Great White Off Jersey Shore
OFF POINT PLEASANT BEACH, NJ — Mike Cavallo says he’s always had an interest in sharks. “I’ve been a shark fan since I was a kid,” the Ocean County resident, who’s been fishing more than 40 years, said Thursday. A recent outing with his daughter and fishing companion, Kaylee, gave him an up-close view of a shark, closer than he […]