The show opens with a recap of what happened on last week’s USA Network debut show. The Undisputed Era makes their way to a platform overlooking the NXT Arena. Beth Phoenix, Mauro Ranallo, and Nigel McGuinness are on commentary.

Match #1 – Singles Match: Keith Lee vs. Dominik Dijakovic
They lock up and Dijakovic applies a headlock. Lee gets free and they each dodge a series of strikes from the other. After some back and forth, Lee takes Dijakovic down with a cross-body and sends him to the apron with a shoulder block. Lee goes for a suplex, but Dijakovic counters with a knee strike. Dijakovic clubs Lee in the back, but Lee comes back with a headbutt. Lee goes for a suplex on the apron, but Dijakovic grabs him around the throat. Dijakovic delivers a clothesline on the apron as the show heads to a commercial.
Back from the break, both men are on the ring. Lee slaps Dijakovic across the chest and then slams him to the mat. Dijakovic comes back and smacks Lee across the chest a few times and then slams his head into the turnbuckle. Lee comes back and does the same to Dijakovic. Lee takes Dijakovic out on the floor with a suicide dive. Lee tosses Dijakovic back into the ring and goes for a side slam, but Dijakovic counters and locks in a modified guillotine. Lee counters and they roll into the ropes. They exchange strikes in the ring and Lee drops Dijakovic with a headbutt. Lee goes to the ropes and delivers a moonsault. Lee goes for the cover, but Dijakovic kicks out. Lee puts Dijakovic up top and delivers a left hand. Lee climbs as well and sets up for a Spanish Fly, but Dijakovic elbows his way free. Dijakovic plants Lee to the mat with an avalanche Canadian Destroyer. Dijakovic goes for the cover, but Lee kicks out. Dijakovic connects with a moonsault and goes for the cover, but Lee sits up and grabs Dijakovic. Lee slams Dijakovic with the Big Bang Catastrophe and gets the pin fall.
Winner: Keith Lee

McGuinness runs down the Tale of the Tape for the NXT Women’s Championship Match between Shayna Baszler and Candice LeRae, which will take place next week.
Footage from the all-out brawl between Killain Dain and Matt Riddle, and then much of the roster, airs. Then, footage of William Regal announcing that Dain and Riddle will battle in another Street Fight tonight. The winner will go on to challenge Adam Cole for the NXT Championship down the road. Riddle is then shown warming up backstage as the show heads to a commercial.

Back from the break, The Street Profits cut a promo. They say next week, they will become two-time NXT Tag Team Champions.

Match #2 – Singles Match: Dakota Kai vs. Taynara
Taynara slaps Kai across the face, but Kai drops her with a bicycle kick. Kai goes up top, but Taynara cuts her off and kicks her back to the mat. Taynara kicks Kai in the arm and goes for the cover, but Kai kicks out. Taynara kicks Kai a few more times and drops her with a judo toss. Taynara kicks Kai in the back and goes for the cover, but Kai kicks out. Kai comes back with a few kicks and then delivers a forearm. Kai kicks Taynara in the face and then delivers an ax kick to the back. Kai kicks Taynara in the face a few times and then kicks her in the face in the corner. Kai drops Taynara with the GTK and gets the pin fall.
Winner: Dakota Kai

On hour two of the show, on the WWE Network, Imperium will take on Kushida and two partners of his choosing.
Killian Dain is gearing up outside the arena. His street fight against Matt Riddle is next.

Back from the break, a vignette for Johnny Gargano airs.

Match #3 – #1 Contender’s (NXT Championship) Street Fight: Matt Riddle vs. Killian Dain
They exchange strikes and body shots and then Dain tosses Riddle to the floor. Riddle comes right back and drops Dain to the mat and goes for the cross arm-breaker, but Dain counters with a cover for two. Dain kicks Riddle in the midsection, but Riddle comes back with a kick to the head. Riddle drops Dain with a German suplex and goes for the cover, but Dain kicks out. Dain rolls to the floor, but Riddle delivers a flying forearm as the show goes to a commercial.
Back from the break, Dain slams Riddle into the corner. Dain chokes Riddle with his knee, but Riddle comes back with a knee strike. Riddle delivers forearm shots in the corner and suplexes Dain to the mat. Riddle connects with the Broton and then another, and then delivers a penalty kick. Riddle goes for the cover, but Dain kicks out. Riddle kicks Dain in the back and climbs, but Dain cuts him off. Riddle rolls through for a two count and then delivers another knee strike. Riddle goes for a kick, but Dain ducks and slams Riddle to the mat.
Dain connects with a senton and then delivers a power bomb. Dain connects on an elbow drop and goes for the cover, but Riddle kicks out. Dain goes for another power bomb, but Riddle counters with an Alabama Slam. Riddle connects with the Floating Bro and goes for the cover, but Dain kicks out. Riddle charges, but Dain dodges and Riddle goes to the floor. Dain takes Riddle out with a suicide dive and then hits Riddle with a chair. Dain and Riddle brawl into the tech area and Riddle connects with a few kicks to the chest. Riddle slams Dain into a table, but Dain comes back and slams Riddle into some scaffolding. They exchange shots and Dain headbutts Riddle into a wall. Dain connects with a cross-body and they crash through the wall as the show heads to a commercial break.
Back from the break, Riddle and Dain are brawling in the crowd. Riddle delivers a Broton through a table and then takes Dain back to ringside. Riddle delivers a few kicks and tosses Dain back into the ring. Riddle connects with a leg drop and goes for the cover, but Dain kicks out. Riddle grabs a chair, but Dain counters and takes Riddle out with the Divide. Dain stomps on Riddle’s chest and then delivers a Vader Bomb. Dain hits two more Vader Bombs and goes for the cover, but Riddle kicks out. Dain grabs the chair and hits Riddle with it. He places it on top of Riddle and then hits it with a kendo stick. Dain puts the chair back on top of Riddle and goes for another Vader Bomb. Riddle gets up and hits Dain with the chair. Riddle power bombs Dain from the ropes and his the Final Flash knee strike with the chair. Riddle goes for the cover, but Dain kicks out. Riddle puts the chair on top of Dain and hits it with the kendo stick. Riddle then hits Dain with the kendo stick and delivers forearm shots.
Riddle goes for the Bro-mission, but Dain elbows his way free. Riddle hits Dain in the face with the chair and then delivers a series of palm strikes. Dain comes back with a few body shots, but Riddle gets him down and licks in an arm-bar and Dain taps out.
Winner and number one contender for the NXT Championship: Matt Riddle
-After the match, Adam Cole comes to the ring. He holds the title in Riddle’s face. Cole says the title belongs to him and that Riddle is not in his league. Cole says Riddle will never be the champion, but Riddle locks in an arm-bar and Cole taps out. The rest of the Undisputed Era rushes the ring, but Riddle escapes.

Footage of the brawl between Kushida and Imperium from last week is shown.

Match #4 – Singles Match: Rhea Ripley vs. Kayden Carter
Carter comes out with a few quick strikes, but Ripley drops her with a dropkick. Ripley goes for the cover, but Carter kicks out. Ripley drives Carter into the corner and drives her shoulder into her midsection a few times. Ripley drops Carter with a delayed vertical suplex and goes for the cover, but Carter kicks out. Ripley slams Carter into the mat and delivers a few forearm shots. Carter comes back with a quick roll-up for two and then drops Ripley with a hurricanrana. Carter slaps Ripley across the chest and then drops her with another hurricanrana. Carter kicks Ripley int he face and goes for the cover, but Ripley kicks out at two. Ripley comes back and slams Carter to the mat and then delivers the Riptide and gets the pin fall.
Winner: Rhea Ripley
-Note: Carter is the former Lacey Lane.

Match #5 – Tag Team Match: Danny Burch and Oney Lorcan vs. Ever-Rise (Chase Parker and Matt Martel)
Lorcan and Martel start the match with a lock-up and Lorcan backs Martel into the corner. They break and Martel applies a wrist-lock and takes Lorcan to the mat. Lorcan turns it into one of his own and Burch tags in. They double chop Martel, but Martel knees Burch in the midsection and tags in Parker. Burch takes Parker to the mat and applies a side-headlock. Parker sends Burch off the ropes, but Burch trips him up. Martel gets dropped with an uppercut and Lorcan tags in. Lorcan and Burch drop Parker with a double side-Russian leg sweep and Martel tosses Lorcan to the floor. Martel tags in and tosses Lorcan back into the ring. Martel delivers a series of right hands and then smacks Lorcan in the head. Parker tags in and Martel slams Lorcan into his boot. Parker goes for the cover, but Lorcan kicks out. Parker drops Lorcan with a snap suplex and goes for the cover, but Lorcan kicks out again. Parker applies an arm-bar and tags in Martel. Parker slams Lorcan into Martel’s boot and then Martel delivers a back-breaker. Martel goes for the cover, but Lorcan kicks out.
Parker tags back in and delivers a knee strike to Lorcan. Parker goes for the cover, but Lorcan kicks out. Parker delivers forearm shots and goes for the cover, but Lorcan kicks out. Martel tags back in and punches Lorcan in the ribs. Martel drops Lorcan to the mar and applies a top wrist-lock. Lorcan fights to his feet, but Martel drops him with a clothesline and tags in Parker. Parker and Martel have miscommunication and Burch tags in. Burch drops Martel and Parker with uppercuts and then delivers an enzuigiri to Parker. Burch delivers a missile dropkick and then drops Martel with a right hand. Lorcan tags in and they drop Parker with the elevated DDT and Lorcan gets the pin fall.
Winners: Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch

Chelsea Green and Deonna Purrazzo are shown sitting at ringside.
Kushida is shown warming up backstage as the show heads to a commercial break.

Match #6 – Singles Match: Cameron Grimes vs. Raul Mendoza
Grimes goes for the double stomp, but Mendoza dodges it. Mendoza applies a wrist-lock, but Grimes counters and sends Mendoza to the mat with a back body drop. Mendoza comes back with another wrist-lock, but Grimes takes him down again. Mendoza gets a sunset flip for two and then takes Grimes down with a hurricanrana. Mendoza goes to the ropes and takes Grimes down with a springboard side headlock take down. Grimes gets to his feet and backs Mendoza into the ropes. Grimes connects with a few body shots and then slams Mendoza to the mat. Grimes goes for the cover, but Mendoza kicks out. Grimes delivers a knee strike and then connects with a stomp on Mendoza. Grimes delivers a chop and slams him into the corner. Grimes goes for the cover, but Mendoza kicks out. Grimes applies an arm-bar, but Mendoza fights to her feet. Mendoza gets a crucifix pin for two, but Grimes comes back with a forearm shot. Grimes goes for the cover, but Mendoza kicks out. Grimes takes Mendoza down and applies a modified hammer lock.
Mendoza gets free, but Grimes takes him back and applies an arm-bar/chin-lock combination. Mendoza gets up again and delivers body shots. Mendoza takes Grimes down with an arm-drag and then delivers a running enzuigiri. Mendoza delivers a few shots and delivers another enzuigiri in the corner. Mendoza goes up top and delivers a springboard dropkick. Mendoza charges, but Grimes delivers a back elbow. Mendoza delivers another enzuigiri and takes him down with an avalanche Frankensteiner. Mendoza goes for the cover, but Grimes kicks out. Mendoza delivers more shots, but Grimes rolls him up for two and then delivers the double stomp and gets the pin fall.
Winner: Cameron Grimes

Imperium are shown warming up backstage.

Match #7 – Six-Man Tag Team Match: Kushida and Breezango (Tyler Breeze and Fandango) vs. Imperium (Alexander Wolfe, Fabian Aichner, and Marcel Barthel)
Kushida and Aichner start the match and Aichner tosses Kushida across the ring. Aichner delivers right hands in the corner, but Kushida comes back with a hip toss and a basement dropkick. Kushida goes for the cover, but Aichner kicks out. Barthel tags in and Aichner drops Kushida with a spine-buster. Barthel kicks Kushida in the chest and Wolfe tags in. Wolfe delivers a German suplex and goes for the cover, but Kushida kicks out. Fandango tags in and delivers s dropkick to Wolfe. Fandango goes for the cover, but Wolfe kicks out. Fandango drapes Wolfe over the top rope and Breeze tags in. Breeze drops Wolfe with a snap suplex and delivers a leg drop. Breeze goes for the cover, but Wolfe kicks out. Wolfe drives Breeze into his corner and tags in Aichner. Aichner sends Breeze to the floor and tags in Barthel. Barthel drops Breeze on the floor and tosses him back into the ring. Barthel delivers a few right hands and a headbutt. Wolfe tags in and applies a chin-lock, but Breeze delivers an elbow. Wolfe clubs Breeze over the back and slams him to the mat. Wolfe goes for the cover, but Breeze kicks out. Aichner tags in and delivers a shot to Breeze’s ribs.
Barthel tags in and hangs Breeze in the tree of woe. He and Aichner double dropkick Breeze and Breeze falls to the floor. Wolfe tags back in as Barthel tosses Breeze back into the ring. Wolfe rakes his boot across Breeze’s face and Aichner tags in. Aichner keeps Breeze grounded and then delivers a slam. Aichner goes for the cover, but Breeze kicks out. Barthel tags in and delivers a few uppercuts. Barthel slams Breeze to the mat with a snap-mare and delivers a spinning uppercut. Barthel goes for the cover, but Breeze kicks out. Barthel delivers a knee strike, but Breeze sends him to the floor. Barthel gets back into the ring and Aichner and Wolfe pull Fandango and Kushida to the floor. Imperium triple-teams Breeze in the corner as Kushida and Fandango try to get into the ring. Aichner tags in and stomps away on Breeze. Aichner slaps Breeze in the face and knocks Fandango and Kushida to the floor. Breeze comes back with an enzuigiri and tags in Fandango. Wolfe tags in and Fandango delivers chops.
He delivers chops to Aichner as well and then slams Aichner with a Falcon Arrow. Fandango sends Imperium to the floor and Kushida tags in as Fandango drops them with a suicide dive. Fandango tosses Barthel into the ring and Kushida drops him with a dropkick. Kushida applies an arm-bar, but Aichner and Wolfe break it up. All six men brawl in the floor and then Kushida and Barthel get back into the ring. Kushida delivers a right hand, but Barthel comes back with a strike of his own. Kushida comes back with a roll-up on Barthel and gets the pin fall.
Winners: Kushida and Breezango
-After the match, Walter appears and lays Kushida out on the ramp. Imperium stand tall on the stage as the show comes to a close.Click Here: