Droopler 1.4 is now available and you can download it right now! Personally, I’ve been testing the 1.4-rc version on Droptica’s websites for a number of weeks and I can honestly say that the new version is a great improvement in terms of editing work. Finally, creating corporate websites in Drupal is a simple and pleasant affair. Custom drupal development can be now left for un-typical web-apps only.
Easier paragraph editing
The main content type in Droopler is paragraph-based. The Paragraphs module is – at least in my opinion – the best Drupal module geared towards easier content creation; however, when it comes to long and very long pages, editing content using Paragraphs becomes tedious and annoying.
We looked for a solution for quite a while, and finally, we found the Geysir module. After installation, we had to make a couple of changes in the system in order to make this module work properly. After some customisation, we finally have a working Geysir module as part of our Droopler distribution. This is why starting with version 1.4, editing long pages will be a pleasure for all editors out there.
You can see an example of editing with Geysir module in the clip below.
Products, services, listings
Another important change introduced in version 1.4 of Droopler is a product listing module. The module defines new content type used for creating products, sub-page listing products with filtering options and sub-pages for individual products.
Droopler was developed to make making repeated functionalities easier, and this also includes listings. This usually concerns products, but this module can be also used for listing classifieds or job offers, as well as a portfolio and other use cases like these. The module has a multitude of use cases… And you get it for free with Droopler 1.4!
After installing Droopler, the module is disabled by default, so you will have to enable it via the module management panel in Drupal.
How to start using Droopler?
If you want to see what Droopler looks like, check out our demo: https://demo.droopler.com
You can download the distribution as a package from Droopler | Drupal.org website – the distribution was downloaded more than 1300 times as of 2018.12.11!
You can also install Droopler using Composer and instructions available on GitHub. You can find them at droptica/droopler_project.
The comprehensive description of the installation process can be found at our “Installing and Updating Droopler in a nutshell” page.
I encourage you to test Droopler 1.4 – it is definitely worth checking out what the system looks like in its latest version and how easy it is to use for building websites.
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