帮助菜单其实对于访客或者会员来说用处不大,但是对于管理员来说可能还有点作用,这段代码能使帮助菜单只对管理员显示,添加到functions.php中即可。 function hide_help() { if(!is_admin()){ echo '<style type="text/css"> #contextual-help-link-wrap { display: none !important; } </style>'; } } add_action('admin_head', 'hide_help'); 分类:新闻资讯 标签:help, 帮助, 最新动态, 菜单 Keyword: 外贸独立站定制
The LPJ-8SPI,from Bussmann / Eaton,is High speed fuses.what we offer have competitive price in the global market,which are in original and new parts.If you would like to know more about the products or apply a lower price, please contact us through the “online chat” or send a quote to us! Specifications Package Payment Shipping Contact US Product Category : High […]
National Water Week Australia 2022
The importance of water is often overlooked in our modern world. National Water Week, hosted by the Australian Water Association (AWA), hopes to encourage individuals and communities to be inspired by how much we need this essential resource for life! Difficulties in managing this precious resource are as varied as they are complex. Australia’s climate and landscape, coupled with the […]
Lost Mary MaryLiq Strawberry Ice Nic Salt
Description MARYLIQ STRAWBERRY ICE NIC SALT E-LIQUID Please note: We anticipate delivery of Maryliq towards the end of November or early December. Please use our ‘Email me when available’ signup above to be alerted as soon as our stock arrives! Strawberry Ice is an established flavour favourite, popular with every vaper, and Lost Mary’s MaryLiq Strawberry Ice is at the […]
Painting a Fiberglass Pool
Has your fiberglass pool lost its original luster? Is it stained and dirty? Or does it have spider cracks in the gel coat? Painting a fiberglass pool can be a great DIY pool restoration project. Epoxy paint bonds well to fiberglass and wears well, becoming thin over time. It will need to be redone again in 5-7 years, but is […]
With Droopler 1.4 you will LOVE content management in Drupal
Droopler 1.4 is now available and you can download it right now! Personally, I’ve been testing the 1.4-rc version on Droptica’s websites for a number of weeks and I can honestly say that the new version is a great improvement in terms of editing work. Finally, creating corporate websites in Drupal is a simple and pleasant affair. Custom drupal development […]
What to Do With a Frozen Pool
Winter is a lot like summer — you either love the extreme weather, or you loathe it. But regardless of your feelings towards the frigid temps, the colder months can cause a pile of pool problems if you’re not prepared. From a frozen pool, to broken water pipes, prepping your pool and equipment is key to avoiding major issues. So […]
本教程适用版本:WPS 365 点击免费使用 导读 适合人群: 企业超级管理员; 团队拥有者和团队管理者。 你可能关心: 重要团队文件,如公司敏感数据文件、客户资料等,如何只让部分成员可见? 如何限制部分成员可见,但不能编辑? 你将收获: 在团队中,按照文档、文件夹、成员身份,共3种范围层级,为不同成员配置不同查看和编辑权限。 Level1:按文档设置『文档权限』 方法说明 什么时候使用该功能? 希望团队内某份机密文档,如:财务报表、工资表、重要计划、机密图纸等,仅让某些成员可以看到或可以编辑,而其余成员不可看见或不可编辑。 使用该功能后,有什么效果? 通过对团队内『单个文档』设置权限,可以让该文档不被团队内无关成员越权查看,或违规篡改。 注:子文件默认跟随父文件的权限,如果子文件单独设置过权限,会以子文件单独设置的权限为准;针对单个文档设置的『文档权限』,其优先级高于面向团队和文件夹设置的『文档权限』。 操作步骤 >免费升级到企业版,赠超大存储空间 通过以上步骤,我们可以对文档设置特定成员的权限,设置成功之后立即生效。 Level2:按文件夹设置文档权限 方法说明 什么时候使用该功能? 希望团队内一部分成员可以看到,或修改一部分文档。如: 团队内分A组和B组,两组各自有业务数据,不希望彼此互相看到或编辑。 团队内分为普通成员和高管成员,部分文档仅希望高管成员可以看到和编辑,其他成员不可见。 使用该功能后,有什么效果? 效果1:通过建立『文件夹』并设置『文档权限』,可以实现部分文档,仅让部分团队成员可见、可编辑,继而实现团队内部的信息隔离。 注:子文件默认跟随父文件的权限,如果子文件单独设置过权限,会以子文件单独设置的权限为准;针对文件夹设置的『文档权限』,其优先级高于面向团队设置的『文档权限』。 效果2:你还可以通过对文件夹设置『自定义』权限,实现针对某成员或用户组的精确权限控制,如:查看、下载/另存、评论、新建/上传/重命名/编辑、分享、移动/删除、权限设置。 >免费升级到企业版,赠超大存储空间 操作步骤 >免费升级到企业版,赠超大存储空间 通过以上步骤,我们可以对文件夹设置特定成员的权限,设置成功之后立即生效。 Level3:按团队设置『文档权限』 方法说明 什么时候使用该方法? 希望团队内不同成员,在查看团队内所有文档时,拥有不同的权限。如:部分成员可以查看和编辑修改所有文档,部分成员仅可以查看但不能修改文档。 使用该功能后,有什么效果? 为不同团队成员设置权限,决定谁可以查看、编辑团队内所有文档。 操作步骤 >免费升级到企业版,赠超大存储空间 通过以上步骤,我们可以对文件或者文件夹设置特定成员的权限,设置成功之后立即生效。 Q&A Q:父文件设置了文档权限,那么子文件是否会同步设置? A:子文件默认跟随父文件的权限,如果子文件单独设置过权限,会以子文件单独设置的权限为准; Q:文档给成员和成员所在的组都设置了权限,成员访问文档的时候以哪个权限为准? A:默认以给成员单独设置的权限为准; Q:为什么无法给团队拥有者和管理员去设置文档权限? A:拥有者和管理员默认拥有团队所有文档的操作权限,无需单独设置; Q:普通成员,对其他人创建的文件有编辑权限,他是否有权限可以移动这个文件? A:如果是在团队内进行移动,是可以移动的,如果是移动到团队外,不允许移动; Keyword: 独立站推广
The LPJ-7SP,from Bussmann / Eaton,is High speed fuses.what we offer have competitive price in the global market,which are in original and new parts.If you would like to know more about the products or apply a lower price, please contact us through the “online chat” or send a quote to us! Specifications Package Payment Shipping Contact US Product Category : High […]
Lubrizol to expand acrylic emulsions production in its North Carolina plant
Lubrizol announces a roughly EUR 19 million investment in its plant in Gastonia, North Carolina. The investment is to enhance the production of acrylic emulsions. It is a part of its growth strategy for innovative resin technologies for coatings. “Our commitment to innovation and production of acrylic emulsions will continue, as evident by this significant investment,” said Luis Carthery, senior […]