Selvedge Run: the trade show

Selvedge Run is a trade show for men’s clothing, shoes and accessories. Our focus is upon brands with a strong affinity with craft. These brands reflect the character of heritage clothing in cuts, material and production methods, and are complimented by contemporary brands which innovate with class and distinction.

Our exhibiting and invited brands reject industrial, mass production and, instead of following the tyranny of cheap and disposable fashion, they strive to create value and longevity.

Our brands are innovators, not only in the field of clothing, but also in the worlds of gastronomy, culture and mobility, and try to find alternatives to the throw-away approach of modern consumerism. This is what the Selvedge Run stands for.

January 2016 Edition:

Selvedge Run ist die B2B Messe für Heritage und Contemporary Männermode, Accessoires. Schuhe und Lederware. 

Selvedge Run ist der Heimat für internationale Marken, die sich dem Diktat der “Fast Fashion” entziehen und stattdessen auf hochwertigste Materialien, anspruchsvolle Verarbeitung und zeitlose Wertigkeit setzen. 

Selvedge Run bietet eine erstklassige Plattform für Fachbesucher auf der Suche nach leidenschaftlichen Machern und Produkten, die einen Kunden ansprechen, dem es nicht um Wegwerfkleidung geht, sondern Stücke, mit denen er sich für länger als eine Saison identifizieren kann.

January 2016 Edition:

Selvedge Run is a trade show for men’s clothing, shoes and accessories. Our focus is upon brands with a strong affinity with craft. These brands reflect the character of heritage clothing in cuts, material and production methods, and are complimented by contemporary brands which innovate with class and distinction.

Our exhibiting and invited brands reject industrial, mass production and, instead of following the tyranny of cheap and disposable fashion, they strive to create value and longevity.

Our brands are innovators, not only in the field of clothing, but also in the worlds of gastronomy, culture and mobility, and try to find alternatives to the throw-away approach of modern consumerism. This is what the Selvedge Run stands for.

January 20-22, 2016

Opening Times

Wednesday, January 20 : 10AM – 7PM

Thursday, January 21 : 10AM – 7PM

Friday, January 22: 10AM – 3PM



Schönhauser Allee 36

10435 Berlin

Event profile Selvedge Run

  • Industries: Shoes, Clothes, Fashion accessories, Fashion
  • Frequency: semestral
  • Scope: Nacional

Next edition Selvedge Run

  • From Tuesday 30 June to Thursday 2 July 2020
  • Venue:

  • City: Berlin
  • Country: Germany
  • More info.:

Selvedge Run editions

Selvedge Run June 2020 From 30 June to 2 July 2020
Selvedge Run January 2020 From 14 to 16 January 2020
Selvedge Run July 2019 From 2 to 4 July 2019
Selvedge Run January 2019 From 15 to 17 January 2019

Keyword: Everydrops